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After spending months in Partholon, Shannon Parker finally grew used to her newfound centaur husband, her connection to the goddess Epona and the lovely pampering that came with both! Especially when she discovered she was pregnant. Then a sudden burst of power sent her back to her old life -- and left her once more a teacher in Oklahoma.
There she realized that her true home was with the husband she'd come to love. But returning to Partholon was practically impossible -- Shannon had no connection to Epona or special abilities in her own world. Still, in Partholon she'd found parallels -- similar personalities -- to her friends in Oklahoma. Perhaps she could find someone with the power to return her? And so she started searching for her husband's equivalent -- and along the way discovered that being divine by mistake was a lot easier than being divine by choice . . .
Portada antigua (2006):
Me encanta la portada ^^